Successful Weight Loss Tips from Cardiology Expert

Beginning a weight loss program. It is important to understand that there are no shortcuts or quick fixes be careful programs that promise weight loss results with no effort each year Americans spend millions of dollars on products that are ineffective or unsafe if it is too good to be true. Probably is weight loss is a process which takes time and commitment however with the proper knowledge support and motivation. 

You can obtain results an important point to understand when attempting to lose weight is a concept of energy balance energy balance refers to the difference between calories in and calories out both food and drink provide calories in our body at the same time. We burn calories in everything we do whether we are at rest or an active. When the calories we take in are the same as the calories used our body weight does not change. However, when the balance tips in the opposite direction, the result is weight gain, the goal is to tip the other way. So there are more calories burn the calories taken in. 

An easy example is to look at how portion sizes have changed over the past 30 years. 

Today the average American consumes an additional 200 calories a day when compared to the 1970s. This is like drinking an extra 20 ounce soda every day in one year that extra soda translates into an additional 20 pounds. So the key to successful weight loss is to find healthy ways to reverse this balance first increase your daily physical activity over 90% of individuals who successfully lose weight and keep it off. 


Exercise every day. We recommend working up to a daily routine that last for at least 45 to 60 Minutes. Secondly track your progress by weighing yourself frequently and tracking your food and exercise in a diary. This is a very strong predictor of weight loss success third eat smaller more frequent meals our dietitians recommend eaten two to four hours or up to five to six times per day. Fourth work to make your portion sizes smaller. This is an easy way to reduce the amount of calories. You eat everyday try a smaller plate and finally fifth find Support over half of successful losers have sought professional weight loss advice. 

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