Health Conditions Related to Acne
What if what if your blemishes could talk could they expose internal health problems a widely circulated internet internet post says yes, where you break out can reveal what is wrong with you.
Base on the informations from Dr. Sandra Lee. Here the actually connections between health conditions with the acne.
Well, there is this claim that according to the area of your break out your acne breakouts. It's a reflection of your lifestyle.
For example, they say that if you break out on your forehead, it's due to a poor diet a regular sleep digestive problems on your nose you have for blood circulation, on your cheeks. It's due to stress and allergies and on your chin is because you may have a kidney imbalance and hormonal.
We are here to tell you that this is ridiculous, and it's all false.
You know that your genetics and you're just like your skin type. So let's go through some areas some problem areas.
So actually what's really nice. So this gives you a little bit of a lesson to as dermatologist because we know according to the area in which you break out. It doesn't really kind of give us a clue as to what is causing a breakout.
For example, if somebody gets a breakout on their forehead we suspect something called Pomade acne that is when people were a heavy product in their in their hair like it's oily or greasy and they went with her bangs across their face.
That's the first thing that someone breaks out a lot in the forehead and here's an example somebody on the on the forehead.
And here on the nose now in particular if we see something there, Dermathologist will going to ask about whether they're certain activities that tend to trigger your breakout like, whether it happens after you drink coffee if you drink alcohol if it's really a few had just exercise, chocolate, spicy foods all Of the fun stuff, but all those kinds of things make us think about rosacea.
For your cheeks cheeks are it's pretty common to get a breakout in our cheeks that in males if you see an Abrupt break out, theye're going to think about steroid acting so somebody's a little bit pumped up and it comes up really roughly, your breakout. Or maybr this person taking anabolic steroids for the record.
Just something that we think about and if you're a female and you get a breakout and you're an adult and you get a break out in the beer distribution of the mandible just distribution.
That's actually something that suspect might be a hormonal imbalance. And certainly if you have hirsutism meaning you have some terminal hair growth or your voice is a little deeper something. Maybe there's something a little awry with your hormones and we might even suspect or evaluate for PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome or something, that might It caused this breakout.
And on your chin, you know, a lot of athletes will get an acne breakout on the chin because they were chinstrap, water polo players football players wrestlers and they don't realize that this includes this are you sweating that are it's dirty too and also we get in that are you get perioral dermatitis.
Prioral dermatitis actually happens exclusively. Well almost exclusively in women and it's actually not acne. It may look like it but it's actually a little eczema a little breakout.
These are the kinds of if I'll see these in these areas the breakout in the chin. Follow the specific diagnosis or kind of hone in on some kind of treatment regimen because it was like anything in medicine. If you keep track of where your problem areas are you can discuss that with your doctor and maybe there will be a clue in that that helps you determine what the true causes.
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